DonorBuilder™ answers key questions for your charity:
- What is your level of awareness?
- Do donors understand your mission?
- Do they have positive feelings towards your charity?
- How emotionally engaged are they with your organization?
- What are their giving behaviors and future intentions?
- How can you increase donor appeal?
- What key drivers of giving should you be focusing on?
- How are you performing over time?
DonorBuilder™ provides the answers with validated, actionable insights to build donor engagement for your non-profit.

- A fact-based approach to guide strategic focus on the most important characteristics proven to strengthen donor intentions
- Learn the key drivers for both donor retention and acquisition
- Benchmark to other non-profits, and track performance over time
- Leverage metrics for good governance and accountability


- Your unique Donor Appeal Index (DAI) score, benchmarked against norms
- performance on the 9 key pillars comprising your DAI
- Profile of past giving behavior
- Level of future giving intentions
- Reach of recent campaigns, communications and news
- Guidance for strategic planning, strengths to be maintained, opportunities to be addressed and segments to be targeted
- A summary of key learning across the Sector

Contact us with questions, to learn more, or to have a chat.